速報APP / 遊戲 / Angry Aaron

Angry Aaron





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本




Angry Aaron(圖1)-速報App

Angry Aaron is FED up with all his Bosses telling him what to do and thinking they know best! Do you feel the same way? Well, join Aaron on this endless runner game and score as many points as you can.

Angry Aaron(圖2)-速報App

Leaderboard has been added to see who is the best amongst you and your friends on facebook!

Angry Aaron(圖3)-速報App

Working Leaderboard now 10/19/2015(If you have never logged into facebook with the app ignore)

Angry Aaron(圖4)-速報App

Facebook Log out of Angry Aaron from phone

Angry Aaron(圖5)-速報App

1. Access your account setting in the menu bar

Angry Aaron(圖6)-速報App

2. Click on Apps

Angry Aaron(圖7)-速報App

3.Click on Logged in with Facebook

Angry Aaron(圖8)-速報App

4. Select Angry Aaron

Angry Aaron(圖9)-速報App

5. Scroll down and click remove app

6. Remove app

Pics added to the screen shot area to help you as well once again sorry for the Inconvenience!!

****Please see the screen shots for users who already signed into facebook using the app. If you want the leaderboard you need to follow the screen from you facebook app to remove Angry Aaron and log back in. Sorry for the inconvenience our team is working to fix the problem.

****Willing be having a tournament soon so adding the leaderboard will benefit everyone. So practice makes perfect!!!